
This is VA401-VA402  students’ blog.

If you are one of them then…

You are expected to reflect all the design and development process of their your project in this blog, beginning from the first day of the class. This blog will be used as the sketch book and the project journal, in and out of the class, by you, your classmates, me and others who are interested.

You are advised to keep the blog open and ready to post while you are studying, working or thinking on your project. You are even advised to use your mobile devices to post and save the ideas whenever they happen to come…

We will use this blog every week for your presentation in the classroom. It is also very effective and useful tool to follow and contribute to others’ works. Comments are welcome! Try it, if  you can create an active communication among your classmates over the blog, you will find it really helpful and enjoying as well.

Then at the end, you will enjoy watching back the whole process, the documentary of your year long hard work! And you will learn from it.


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