Since polyester makes the object greenish or reddish, I have bought the “jelkot” which makes the eyeball transparent.
Firstly, I tried to make the eyeball out of plates ball. This try was a fail. Because the ball exploded since jelkot made it too hot.
So we decided to use a new ball and cover it with clay and then use the jelkot.
This failed again.
The ball couldn’t stand stable and while the jelkot was not dry, it fell over. Then I panicked. Then Kemal abi put some polyester while I was panicking. I couldn’t use it because it was green. And the reason I bought jelkot was not to use polyester. And since the clay was not something rigid, the polyester did not take the shape of the ball. So we decided to make the mold out of plaster. And then we covered it with jelkot.
And finally, after one night it was done. I’ll clean it up, insert the mechanism and unite the two parts with jelkot again.
And these are my charts. First one is my original one:
This one is the modified one since the year does not end at the 4th week of June. I shortened sone process.