Author Archives: MerveYILDIZ

research on renovating/environment

A research on environmental heal issue for the graduation project. as the store which i’m going to design the website of is a second hand store that renovates old stuff and turn them into brand new products; so that it encourages second hand usage rather than consuming new ones. here are some analysis on how the second hand usage, renovation and environmental heal is correlated.

Articles on recycling

research on shopping behaviour

for the graduation project i’m designing a website of a second-hand and vintage boutique. in that, there is going to be a tool in which the customers will be asked some basic questions and select the best matches at the end of this test the results will show some clothes and recommend products which matches the best with the answers. so that, i’m making research on shopping behaviors to create the questions of this test.
here a research on how shopping behavior is correlated with personality and characteristics of a person.